Unexpected issues such as canceled or delayed flights, calendar changes, and overlapping cases can negatively affect mock jury trial timelines. Planning for these unexpected scenarios and developing contingency plans to mitigate their impact on the project timeline and budget can make a difference in whether a mock trial outcome delivers meaningful findings that can influence the final trial verdict.
At Civicom, we believe technology can provide a powerful solution to these challenges. In this case study, we demonstrate how our CCam® focus platform enabled a successful hybrid mock jury trial that combined the advantages of in-person and virtual participation.
Our focus group facility partner requested an in-person mock jury trial, but due to scheduling conflicts and travel concerns, not all attorneys and deliberation moderators could attend in person.
We were asked if it was possible to stream some of the attorney arguments as well as facilitate deliberation virtually while the mock jurors were physically present in presentation and deliberation groups inside a focus group facility. The challenge was to find a way to deliver a seamless hybrid experience that would meet the client’s expectations while avoiding postponement and respondent fall-outs.